Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

0545, Sat, 071214. Rocklin, CA.

I got the countertop installed around the stove area and am quite pleased with it. It is ready for the finishing process. I moved on to do more drawers, twelve more all at once. I got the sides cut out, routed, dadoed, and dovetailed. Next will be to make to bottoms. Still making progress.
We have a new bird family outside our window. It is hard to tell if it is the same birds or not but they are in the old nest. Hard to believe they could find it under the eaves and now with a shade screen in front of it, but momma bird is all snuggled in and keeping an eye on us as we eat.
In the evening we walked over to the park across the street and enjoyed a cool breeze blowing through the area. It was Party in the Park night and we were curious. We took a quick look around checking things out then headed out. As we were leaving, our neighbor came running over to say hi. Ron is the guy who came over to help unload plywood one evening. We did a little catching up with neighborhood stories and then headed home….more later..

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