Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

0630, Wed, 071614. Rocklin, CA.

A little frustration yesterday. I installed the first five drawers and they went in just fine. I got the runners in for the second five drawers finding one runner that didn't work properly. Then I went to install the drawer. Well, measuring for the drawers I measure the opening then subtract an inch for the runners. I must have forgotten to subtract that inch. Five drawers an inch too wide. There is no way to fix it without destroying the drawers but I was able to save the bottom and two of the four sides for reuse. So after a lot of work tearing things apart I called it a day. We needed to make a run to the store anyhow so we were off around town.
Along the way was a stop at Costco. I was picking up a gift for Sue so she was waiting in the food court area while I snuck her present into the car. I ran into the Zauchas at the exit, they were right in front of me. They have bought a house just a few blocks away from us. Funny how our lives keep crossing…...more later..

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