Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

0716, Tue, 072214. Rocklin, CA.

I'm working on the stinker drawers in the kitchen. These are the small drawers, at floor level, impossible to work in. Lucklily I came made up a new way to install the glides, much easier than my old method, where I can put together the entire mount, shims and all, then with a couple of screws, mount them into the opening. Way easier!
Sue's project of the day was a hit with Max. She came up with the bottom of a plastic cup cut out leaving just the top rim. A balloon is tied with the other end cut off and slipped over the opening of the cup. This makes for a great little gun that shoots mini marshmallows. It can shoot up to ten or fifteen feet. Max and I shot each other for about a half hour, then we lined up and had duels. He had loads of fun with this one.
The Bloom's street was being paved so we had them over for dinner. I left early for karate leaving Sue with all the chores but they had a good eve just the same…..more later..

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